Thursday, February 18, 2010

I believe in miracles!!!

well it has been a while since I last wrote. So much has been going on with work and my home life. Some exciting and a lot not so good, but I decided it was time to write because Matt and I started a new chapter so to speak. To start off with last year in Jan. Matt lost his job and we hit bottom. It was hard, but we made it through still hand and hand. We are closer because of it. He found a another job a couple weeks later and we started over. We had the kids move 20 minutes away instead of 9 hours, which is so exciting for us, we get to see them whenever we want. We also had a vasectomy reversal in 2008, because we wanted to start a family. We went a year and we started to give up. I had all kind of test done to find out if anything was wrong with me. The doctors found nothing. So it was Matt's turn. So he went and gave a sample and we waited for the results....2 days later we were told we would not be able to do it on our own...We were devastated. So again we had a let down, but we never quit trying...

So moving on... time went by and so did life. We had another let down and the best week that I will never forget...the day started off good. I was in the car praying for my enemy, to let her go and not be angry and to be a bigger person. I thought I was being a good person and moving on after 2 years. at 9am I found out Matt lost his job again. I was so angry at God for doing this, for giving me bad news after bad news after bad news. I was done. I didn't want to pray, I didn't want to go to church, but Matt wanted to talk to the Preacher. I went, but I stood my ground. So the week went on and I did too. I started to get depressed and a hopeless feeling, so we went down to my parents to get away from everything. Little did I know this night would change my life forever. :o) So I was late a day...I told Matt and he told me to go take a test for giggles. so I did and it was positive. So my week from crap to holy cow!!! Was it true? really? so I drove to another town just to get more test (because Walters didn't ave any) I took three all together...all positive... yay!!!! I am happily 16 weeks and the baby is healthy and strong and Matt has found a better job that will be a better future for the whole family. I am extremely happy with my life now...Just thought I would share my life so far... Oh yeah, God and I have made amends...He forgave me for being so and showed who was boss. :o) Anyway here is some pictures of what I have so far of the baby...good night all. God is good, God is Great!!!!

the tests...2 in one night and one the next

4 weeks...just the egg sac and the beginnings of the baby

14 weeks, all you can see is the head. The baby wouldn't stop moving. I am excited in March, I get to find out what it is.